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Well Pitchfork told me this was cool and hip and good and overlooked for the first half of 2011, so I thought I’d be hip and cool and good and look into it.
Cities Aviv‘s album “Digital Laws” is one of those sort of hard to define “experimental” hip-hop albums. Although, it contains some elements of electro type hiphop (including the last track which uses Blackbird Blackbird’s cover of Modest Mouse’s “Float On”), in its essence the majority of “Digital Laws” contains a great deal of classic hip hop style. Jazzy samples, solid beats, and good rhymes.
I’ll let the music speak for itself, but before you give the whole album a listen, check out this new track entitled “Araw” that just dropped the other day.
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”track” id=”3623402918/” size=”tall” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#425463″]
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”3375074540″ size=”grande” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
Download Digital Laws here
Dude ALSO has a cool 7′ out on Fat Sandwich Records. Grab it for only $7.25 (including shipping in your in the US)