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In the past week I’ve endured three separate snowfalls, so perhaps it’s a bit appropriate to feature the group today.
Upon sifting through my inbox, this Canadian trio stood out immediately. There’s something that just sounds so good to my ears in that jangly, lo-fi rock and roll. “BACKYARDS AND ALLEYWAYS,” the third track off of their debut EP, ∆ SNOWBEAST ∆, is simple, almost discordant sounding but with its repetitive lyrics and nostalgic vibe, I find myself hitting play over and over again.
Download the track below and be sure to listen to the entire EP over at bandcamp.
BONUS: A cool feature I love on bandcamp is how they allow artists/individuals to “recommend” other music. Check out a couple of SNOWBEAST’s below, they’re quite good.
[bandcamp album=2351750024 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
[bandcamp album=547502911 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]