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Brilliantly stripped down, this latest track from Panama is something else. Enjoy. Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it
Great. Just what I needed. Just another singer-songwriter to lose my entire afternoon to. Soft, a slight air of melancholy, and that perfect bedroom-recorded sound with just the right amount of lo-fi. Keep yer ears open for this Melbourne-based musician. After multiple collaborations in the past, Alexander Biggs is ready to step out front. And from what [&hellip
The twenties are a strange place. It seems the most learning to be done is outside of the traditional school system. Nothing has brought more knowledge to me than the experiences I’ve laid claim to in the past few years. The solo traveling through Europe, the scraping-it between jobs, the string of multi-year relationships. It [&hellip
Fun fact, I can claim citizenship in Luxembourg. Also the random reason I curiously clicked on this track when poking around my Soundcloud feed early this morning. But wow. I couldn’t prepare myself to even describe the feeling I got the second I hit play. Those soft, melancholic vocals and brutally honest lines. Don’t even ask me how [&hellip
Finally, I can sleep with the windows open, the AC unit switched off, curtains open – catching the breeze. My pessimistic side says this will only last a week before we’re back to those 90’s temps, but, I can’t deny how much I’m massively enjoying these crisp beginnings to my day. A raw & sunny [&hellip
I’ll come out and say it. I’ve often had a hard time with music that has the ever so slightest hint of pointing towards the Christian-genre. It mostly has to do with my antagonistic nature and wanting to be difficult, but sometimes, there’s things that you simply cannot deny. In 2012 I was captured by The [&hellip
Although my taste in music spans a wide, wide breadth – I’m an internalizer at heart. And these sort of songs; sparse and melancholic always, always, always grab a hold of me. Local singer-songwriter, the ghost in you, has recently released a haunting track that just aches, especially with that tinkering piano. “We Are Selfish,” is especially [&hellip
Today, another excursion is upon me. I can’t believe I’m going back. Revisiting, re-establishing, and re-connecting to a land that I will be inherently tied to for the rest of my life. For once, I really do feel in control of my path moving forward. This will be the song streaming through my earbuds while I [&hellip
I can never get into the craze of creating my own “best of” lists, I like to let things settle and set..and honestly, I can’t keep up. My day job has nothing to do with a computer. But hell, I love listening and perusing other lists. I love to hear the tracks that feel through [&hellip
Happy December, y’all.. wow, we’re here aren’t we? These next four weeks will blow by, no doubt. But try your best to hang onto that sliver of sunlight, crisp firewood smell, and utter silence of a world mostly spent inside these days. Local org, Weathervane, are always turning up fabulous projects but this latest recording of Little [&hellip